Saturday, August 15, 2009


it is raining where i live today. and rain always depresses me. I just want to be alone, want to let the tears run down my face, let all of the emotion out. but i cant right now.

i have a bone to pick. i dont see why anyone has issues with gay/lesbians. i am not one myself, but what's wront with them just loving who they love? what is the big issue!?! i have many gay/lesbian friends, and they are some of the kindest, most understanding people anywhere. so dont be biased, there is nothing wrong with a guy loving a guy, just as there is no issue with a guy loving a girl. in the end, it all ends up the same way - love.

Just think over it.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This is a song dedicated to Nick. Not Margar's bf Nick, but another Nick that I know. Plus it is an awsome song!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Although I will post on blogger still from time to time, I will be posting on a website called DeviantART more often. here is the link to my userlookup:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I dont know what it is, but lately I have been depressed. And that is not me. not usually. the only time i feel normal is when i am with my friends....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hi everyone:

I just wanted to ask a favor of everyone. Please, let the adults in your life know about sharing the rode with cyclists. Due to florida law, a car must remain 3 ft away from a cyclist at all times. Please, respect us cyclists - we are moving vehicles, and we are alive, and can get hurt. I almost got hit by a semi on 301 a few weeks ago. In all likelyhood, if I had gotten hit, I would not have survived. So, please do me that favor.

Below is the link that lists all of the major laws pertaining to cyclists. Remember, a cyclist abides by all of the rules your car does, so we have every right to be on the rode!

one last bit of info - if a cyclist is hit by a vehicle and killed, it is not considered manslaughter like a vihicle hitting a pedestrian (from what I last heard).

Monday, June 8, 2009


Glass in my heart
Burrowed so deep
It's like this disire
That penatrates me
I burn so hot
I'm frozen in ice
In my heart
I know it's time

There's a man
Under the sycamore
His face is cold and tired
He would lay down his life
For a moment of love
But no one does he find

I reach out to touch him
But in the moment he's gone
He laid his life down for another
But the other did not love
With a spar of ice he wrought
Into the sycamore's trunk
"Do not cry for me my love
Because you love me not."

Thursday, June 4, 2009